Cea mai mare companie de taxi din orasul Salinei, Turda, iti ofera acum aplicatia Cantatur taxi. Totul online mult mai rapid si simplu.
Creeaza-ti un cont folosind nr. telefon, contul de facebook sau email-ul, si cheama cel mai apropiat taxi de tine, acasa sau la birou, in vizita la Salina Turda ori la restaurant.
Cantatur taxi, este compania cu cea mai vasta experienta in domeniul
transportului de persoane in regim taxi. Oferim clientilor nostrii, servicii de
taximetrie in Turda si imprejurimi, de 16 ani fara intrerupere !
Dorim sa ne adaptam la tot ce e NOU si sa evoluam, pt a furniza cele mai
bune servicii .
Aplicatia CANTATUR , a fost realizata pentru a veni in intampinarea
clientilor , si a raspunde cat mai rapid solicitarilor de transport cu taxiul.
Iti trimitem taxiul cel mai aproape de locul unde te afli: acasa, la birou , la
restaurant sau la cumparaturi !!
Iti oferim o solutie pentru a chema un taxi, fara a mai suna si astepta la
telefon, simplu si rapid !
Creeaza-ti un cont folosind numarul tau de telefon , contul de Facebook, sau
adresa ta de e-mail . Odata contul creat, trebuie doar sa introduce-ti sau sa
selectati locatia dumneavoastra , de unde v-a va prelua taxiul !
Ca si pana acum poti sa comanzi un taxi, apeland numerele de telefon de la
dispeceratul Cantatur, insa cu APLICATIA CANTATUR totul este mai usor .
Daca obisnuiai sa comanzi taxi sunand la telefon , iti oferim numerele de
telefon disponibile :
TELEKOM FIX : 0264945
ORANGE: 0744898899
VODAFONE: 0722403939
TELEKOM: 0766344742
Info si sesizari: cantatur_taxi@yahoo.com
The largest taxi company in the city of Salina, Turda, now offers you the Cantatur taxi application. Everything online is much faster and simpler.
Create an account using no. phone, facebook account or email, and call the nearest taxi to you, at home or at the office, visiting the Salina Turda or the restaurant.
Cantatur taxi, is the company with the most extensive experience in the field
transport of people by taxi. We offer our clients services
taxi in Turda and surroundings, for 16 years without interruption!
We want to adapt to everything that is NEW and evolve to provide the most
good services.
The CANTATUR application was made to meet the needs
customers, and respond as quickly as possible to taxi requests.
We send you the taxi closest to where you are: at home, at the office, at
restaurant or shopping !!
We offer you a solution to call a taxi, without calling and waiting at
phone, simple and fast!
Create an account using your phone number, Facebook account, or
your email address . Once the account is created, you just have to enter or
select your location, from where your taxi will take you!
As before, you can order a taxi by calling the phone numbers from
the Cantatur dispatcher, but with the CANTATUR APPLICATION everything is easier.
If you used to order a taxi by calling, we offer you the numbers
phone available:
TELEKOM FIX: 0264945
ORANGE: 0744898899
VODAFONE: 0722403939
TELECOM: 0766344742
Info and notifications: cantatur_taxi@yahoo.com